Monday 22 August 2011

Jagger's Meister

weekends, parties, social life, drinking, jolling, is very much advertised in South Africa that it is the weekeeeeeend baby! the mood is set on all social media sites, television and radio.  i reckon most of the times you know what you doing, who you seeing, where you going and even what you wearing, BUT...sometimes one tries to plan for a 'quiet' one, you know, visit the parents, stay in and watch a movie, that kind of thing, yeah well i NEVER get it right. 

this weekend that just flew, stumped and swirled by, I planned on ''studying'' This is something i have always been '''good''' in, you is very easy to just sit down(still) and 'focus' on a book with words.  words that don't talk, change color or have beat..just printed words...yeah right, ok anyway, so Friday night we behaved - seriously behaved, Saturday morning - i had to go buy something, just to satisfy that need to shop, so i went to pick and pay and bought cosmetics, cream, mouse, etc, it did help a bit:-)  then i sat down and studied for a whole 2 hours, seriously - 2 chapters!!! BUT before i knew it I had a friend lined up on bbm to go for a quick cocktail at the famous 'Salvatore'..........not long after, i was hit by a jaggermeister truck from behind, side and front, organised one massive (accidental) house party which lasted till 2am, twilight zone stuff, pure awesomeness, legendary shit...................

i proceeded to open my eyes at 8am when my head screamed so loud in my ears i just couldn't...simply no, nothing, no water, pills or food would help, until about 4 hours later we had to go get food, never mind the state of the house, my mum would die if she knew i went out and left it that way to first eat!!!  some ocean basket saved me to be up for 2 hours to clean the house...then fall back onto couch and go into

ok, I'm talking too much crap here, i had the WORST hangover yesterday, so did my love, we were almost dead and I hereby declare that I will NEVER ever drink Jaggermeister again - EVER, as i am still dig dom and difficult...a full 48hours later!!!! Michvander jou legend!!!!!!!

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